TeleHealth HealthCare

Through modern technology, we use HIPAA compliant communication (I prefer using phone conversations so you can be anywhere and don’t have to be at a computer with a video) to address your health concerns.

You stay in the comfort of your home/work/life environment without fighting traffic, finding a sitter, or taking extra time off work for drivetime. This awesome availability is the future of healthcare, and I’m delighted to offer it to you now.

If you live within the state of Texas, I will act as your Chiropractic Nutritionist. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Does Long Distance Healthcare work?

Great question! There are several reasons why it works very well.

  • Most of the lab tests I use are unique and designed to be done in the comfort of your own home. If I need blood drawn, I can arrange for you to go to a local lab to get that done.
  • My clinic software is designed for virtual care. You have access to lab results and patient protocol easily, and you can print them out for yourself.
  • In the natural health world, your “story” is just as important to me as your labs. There is more to you than numbers on a page, and discussing your history and lifestyle are a big part of diagnosis and treatment.


What do I need to become a virtual patient?

  • You will need a telephone, yes even a landline will work.
  • You will need to be able to use the internet and access your Patient Portal
  • You will place a credit card on file (secured) for use for consultations and protocol plans. (HSA allowed)

Can I come to the clinic also?

NOTE: As of March 2020, all care is via Telehealth. 

Can I have someone with me on the phone?

You are welcome to add someone in on your end of the call if you desire to have that support. I cannot initiate a multi-person call, but I’m happy for you to do so. Keep in mind the majority of the conversation will be between you and me, with other parties listening if you desire.

How does this work as a chiropractor?

In my original education, as well as approved continuing education from the State of Texas, we are taught to observe the entire person, hence “holistic”. Since all neurological input originates from the brain and spinal column, all systems come into play when observing your health.  The labs help me to understand where underlying inflammation could be resulting as a result of the neurological spinal complex, sometimes called a subluxation. So treating this underlying complex inflammation can help the entire body to heal. If your labs indicate problems with the ovaries, the adrenals, the GI tract or more, that helps me choose the right nutrition and supplement to address that neurological dysfunction. 

This innervation is disrupted by alterations, or subluxations, in the spine, which impede the flow of Innate Energy or Chi, thereby disrupting this force from it’s balancing force on human physiology to homeostasis. 

This is why you will find that I diagnose any conditions like your MD would – I’m always looking at your body from a neurological perspective and the bigger picture. I’m never treating the organs, rather I’m supporting your body to heal its own inflammation and imbalance that has resulted from these subluxation complexes. 

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Ready to actively change your life? Life can be delicious again. Make the decision today! Book your consultation now.